Monday, February 15, 2010

What do you get when you hire a professional photographer for your wedding?

You are planning your wedding and are organizing all the things you need including a photographer.  You have a choice, do you go friend with a camera or professional?  While the option for a friend may be more appealing to your budget, a professional is a better choice.  But what do you get when you hire a professional photographer for your wedding?

The pro wedding photographer is able to deliver photos in all conditions.  Let’s face it, things happen on weddings.  Late makeup broken down cars, wedding dresses malfunction, nervous people, sudden storms or wet weather are just a few.  Long after these dramas are forgotten, you will enjoy the images your pro wedding photographer gave you because they had the experience to cope with dramas.

Pro wedding photographers experienced at photographing weddings use their interpersonal skills to relax people and get great images.  Their images capture moments in a magic way!

The pro wedding photographer offering a complete wedding photography service will take responsibility for production of your album and when you get it, you can enjoy it immediately.  If you have a disc of images and have to take the responsibility of making your own album DIY style, you may never get around to it.

Quality pro wedding photographers typically use the finest materials from their album suppliers.  These materials are not available to the public.

Pro wedding photographers have lots of equipment, back ups and infrastructure.  Did you know your pro wedding photographer has backup cameras, a variety of pro grade lenses which produce better quality images, a digital asset management system to protect and archive your files, pro grade calibrated computer monitors to ensure prints look the same as the screen?

Pro wedding photographers invest in keeping up to date with industry standards and new techniques.  They have typically dedicated many years to photography and happily use this experience when working with you.  Pro wedding photographers are typically active members of the AIPP.

Pro wedding photographers can use their experience to offer helpful hints on wedding day etiquette and procedures.

The quality of work form a pro wedding photographer is far better than DIY amateurs.  We happily accept that building regulations prevent DIY electricians doing electrical work to their homes.  Licensed builders do much better work than the “Do it Yourselfer” working on a weekend building a deck.  Top class chefs produce much better meals than an amateur cook even though they may have used the same basket of ingredients.  Same goes with photography.  The pro wedding photographer uses great technical skill and attention to detail when photographing a wedding, designing the wedding album printing the images.  The end result is breathtaking. 

There is more to photography than pressing the button.  Pro wedding photographers naturally take into account so many things when taking photos including light, image composition and styling, expression, the little details and the end image in mind.  The images below show the stages Reyment Photographics uses in producing a beautiful image.  The initial capture  was done in such a way to enable a beautiful artistic image to be produced.

Live A Year in Europe for Free!

Well we did it, we lived in Europe throughout 2009 for free!

Today it is a steamy hot typical Brisbane February day.  How different it is to this time last year; then we were in Lyon France, more than two weeks into the experiene of a life time.  It was nesessary to rug up in all our layers of warm clothes, before we ventured out in freezing temperatures.

One funny memory is our attempt to have a picnic... in the snow.  In such an idyllic setting we quickly found plastic knives, frozen butter and a french baguette don't work so well so we retreated to the warmth of the car.  Oh well, it was a laugh all the same.

A year ago today, we were shopping in my local market in Lyon for rabbit, a lovely casserole was for dinner.  Beans, mushrooms and mashed potato accompanied the rabbit perfectly!

Tonight, back in Brisbane, we will escape the heat by relaxing on our back deck, rissoles on the BBQ and a couple of yummy salads is the plan.

Read more about how we lived in Europe for free in ABC’s national magazine, "Life Etc".  Here is the link!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Engagements - Congratulations to You

Did you know that Valentine's Day is THE day most proposals are made!

So guys, get down on that knee, hold the had of the one you love and propose to her!  And girls, say yes!

For all those romantics out there who proposed on Valentine's Day 2010, our congratulations to you.  To all the other romantics, hope you had a special day.

Reyment Photographics has a fabulous gift valued at $215 for newly engaged couples who book their wedding photography with us, see here for details.  So lets talk about your wedding plans over a champagne, we can't wait to see your shiny, new engagement ring!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A "Model" Subject

Danica was after some images for her modelling portfolio, and boy did we have a great time photographing her! She was the perfect subject, posing just right for some amazing images, encompassing many different styles including bridal-wear, swimwear, lingerie and formalwear.
John and Melinda took Danica all around South-East Queensland, from a driveway in Tenneriffe, to the University of Queensland's Great Court... from some shots in the Reyment Photographics outdoor studio at Coorparoo, to Mt Tambourine's rainforests and Coolangatta's beautiful beaches.

What a day! But it's not too hard to see that we captured some incredible images along the way.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Family Portrait for Rob and Dale

Just got back to the studio a few moments ago after a fun family portrait session with Rob and Dale and their two wonderful little ones Alissa and Lachlan.  How good it was to see Rob and Dale again, I had photographed their wedding many years ago one September day in 2001 at Mt Tamborine.  Their wedding was at the Eagle Heights Hotel, a place with splendid panorama views of the Gold Coast.

By coincidence, their wedding day was also the 2001 AFL Grand Final Day and was the day the Brisbane Lions won their first flag.  I remember guests were excited for two reasons, Rob and Dale's wedding celebrations and news of the Lions' victory over Essendon.

Alissa is a proud 2.5 year old and Lachlan is 7 months.  Full of smiles, Lachlan is a real charmer while Alissa is the perfect big sister.  We look forward to welcoming Rob and Dale to the Reyment Photographics studio to view their photos very soon.