Thursday, May 29, 2008

Matt and Katie's Wedding 17 May 2008

Matt and Katie designed their beautiful wedding album in the studio yesterday. They were married on the 17th May 2008 at The Abbey Church, Toorbul.

Their wedding day started with Matt playing a friendly darts game with his family while Katie and the girls had hair and makeup done at Bribie Island salon.

After some beautiful and hilarious images of the girls and family (her dad is a character), we headed off to “The Abbey” to meet Matt and his attendants before the wedding. There was plenty of emotion as Matt greeted his guests, they were full of anticipation for what was about to unfold.

The ceremony was very touching; even the priest shed a tear. Congratulatory hugs outside the church for all, this crowd was delighted to be here and share special moments with Matt and Katie.

Photos were a blast. I had Brodie, the page boy (a boisterous 5 year old) help me with organizing people for the family photos. It was so funny seeing him with my list marshalling the family for photos.

The bridal party relaxed with a drink while we took some photos around the grounds of the Abbey, a very picturesque setting. The kids in the bridal party were so cute and very interested in seeing the photos I was taking. We went one step further; each of them asked if they could take a few photos. In the images above, Indiana is taking a photo with Brodie directing Matt and Katie to kiss! These kids have talent!

We then headed off to Bribie Island for the reception at Pacific Harbour Golf and Country Club. The sunset on this particular evening was amazing followed by dark storm clouds brewing. The reception was lots of fun, Matt and Katie were amongst the last to leave. A good time was had by all. Matt and Katie enjoyed a spectacular but relaxing honeymoon at the Daintree Eco Lodge and Spa.

All of us at Reyment Photographics wish Matt and Katie a wonderful life together, they are lovely people surrounded by family and friends who love them.