Friday, June 27, 2008

Mater Foundation "Cars for Cancer"

Yesterday we had the pleasure of photographing two of the most powerful performance cars ever made in Australia. Yes, we are talking about the new HSV Clubsport R8 with the new LS3 engine in it and the just released FG FPV GTP (lots of letters which means the latest GT Falcon). This is the first time I had seen the new GT in the flesh, certainly looks more distinctive than the old one. The interior is quite classy as well. The Clubsport R8 looked fantastic as well with its new style 20 inch wheels looking dramatic.

Why were we photographing these cars? Well the Mater Foundation "Cars for Cancer" lottery is on again, this time the Mater Foundation is offering the winner the choice of vehicle so it is a real "head to head" grudge match.

If I won, I would take the HSV but I am a lifetime Holden supporter!

Being such a wonderful cause, we are delighted to donate our time and the images to the Mater Foundation and "Cars for Cancer".

Tickets are available on line here, all of us at Reyment Photographics encourage you to get behind this wonderful cause.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lee & Katia's Wedding 14th June 2008

Lee and Katia were married on the 14th June 2008. A crystal clear Brisbane winters day was the forecast with temperatures in the low twenties, just idyllic for a wedding.

Lee and Katia now live in Malmo Sweden and returned home to Australia for their wedding. Their week before the wedding was busy with final arrangements; it was at this time we met and discussed plans for the day and photography styles. Lee and Katia wanted their day to be a celebration and a wonderful opportunity to catch up with special friends and family; many from interstate. Lee and Katia have played handball for Australia and many of the guest list were people they have met through handball.

Mid morning on the big day, we caught up with Lee at his parent’s home relaxing with his groomsmen with a bottle of champagne in a sunny corner of the yard. The weather today is as good as it gets in Sweden in the summer! Brisbane has a wonderful climate… most of the year.

Lee ad Katia had chosen Sirromet for their wedding venue. Loving food and wine and good times, this venue promised to be perfect for their day and indeed it was. Katia prepared at a nearby guesthouse before making her way to Sirromet in fully restored (and modified!) 48/215 Holden.

Lee and Katia had chosen the Laguna at Sirromet for the wedding. Guests mingled with Lee before the wedding. This was a great time to for Lee to catch up with guests and receive best wishes.

Katia arrived, a little nervous and definitely excited. Walking down the isle was a special moment, in fact the the whole ceremony was wonderful. After signing the register, Lee and Katia were greeted by their guests with lots of hugs and kisses. A group shot of everyone there (yes, I climbed the tree yet again for the perfect birds eye view), some family photos and it was time for the bridal party to head off for some photos around the property and catch the last rays of sunlight.

The bridal party joined their guests for drinks at the cellar door as the cool the evening arrived. Watching old friends catch up is a great spectacle and the perfect subject for candid photos.

The Barrel Room had been set for Lee and Katia’s wedding just as they had arranged. Lee and Katia had chosen two MC’s for the reception; well dome to Matt and Karim for a job well done. It wasn’t long before the Barrel Room was filled with the noisy chatter of guests having a wonderful time over dinner. The food looked amazing as always, Executive Chef Andrew Mirosch and his team of talented chefs excelled again.

Sadly, it was time for us to leave, as we walked up the stairs, I looked back through the glass window at all the guests having a wonderful time and though; what a wonderful day we have had. How lucky are we to be able to share such precious moments with our clients.

The team at Reyment Photographics pass all our best wishes to Lee and Katia for their married life together. Even they live so far away, they are surrounded by a community of people who love them and value their friendship. “Snaps” for you both.

Steve and Laura's Wedding 7th June 2008

Steve and Laura were married on the 7th June 2008. Rain in the morning cleared to an overcast afternoon with a wonderful sunset; absolutely perfect.

In the week before the wedding, Laura and Steve finalized the wedding day pans with me and we discussed the style of images they would like. Classic and elegant with some fun thrown in.

Laura and her bridesmaids prepared at her parents home while Steve and the boys relaxed at their inner city apartment, nothing too stressful.

Laura looked absolutely stunning in a Wendy Makin design dress. Preparations complete, it was off to All Saints Wickham Terrace for the Ceremony.

Steve and the boys were immaculate in their suits, some stylish images of the boys before guests started to arrive and greet Steve and pass on best wishes.

Laura arrived with her parents in a 1940's Rolls Royce; a very elegant vehicle. Down with the veil and now time for the ceremony. All Saints is one of my favorite Churches, it is dark inside but the images we get are stunning. I have been photographing weddings at All Saints for nearly 15 years and it remains one of my favorite churches, there is a real sense of occasion there.

A wonderful ceremony and it was time to relax and celebrate lots of hugs with friends and family outside the church before heading off for some photos.

Our photos had a Girls and the City (bit like that movie on show at the moment!) theme before we went to the University of Queensland for some time together as a bridal party. Guys we have to shape up as Steve has set the bar to a very high standard. While alone in the car being chauffeur driven to the photo location, Steve presented Laura with another diamond ring… sorry girls, Steve is definitely taken.

A laugh, a drink and some fun images before we headed off to the reception at the Terrace Room, Indooroopilly Golf Club. As we arrived, the sun was just starting to peak out behind some dark clouds and this is where I took the sunset image you see here. Laura was so excited, the weather request we had pout in days earlier had been granted lock stock and barrel. I love it when a plan comes together.

The staff of the Indooroopilly Golf Club looked after Steve and Laura and their guests throughout the evening, a great night was had by all.

All of us a Reyment Photographics wish Steve and Laura all the best for their future together, these are lovely people, if you know them; you will know what I mean. We look forward to Laura and Steve joining us in the Reyment Photographics studio soon to view their images and relive their wedding day.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chris & Tracy's Wedding 8th June 2008

What were you doing on Sunday the 8th June 2008? I hope you had as great a day as we did at Reyment Photographics. We had the honor of photographing Chris and Tracy’s wedding at Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens. Guests enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the gardens before joining the bride and groom at boulevard Gardens, Indooroopilly.

The day began with Chris and the boys doing a spot of fishing at a secret location! Any fish were safe from these lads; there were no hooks on the end of the line.

Tracy and her bridesmaids prepared at her parents home, everything was beautifully organised; those who know Tracy would not be surprised as is just how Tracy is. The girls looked fantastic and were excited (and a little nervous) to get to the wedding.

We met Chris and the boys at the Planetarium for some photos with the dome, being a Sunday, the gardens were really busy with other visitors. Chris greeted his guests while awaiting Tracy’s arrival.

And what an arrival it was. A super stretch Chrysler 300C from Platinum Rides was the vehicle of choice. A crowd soon gathered to see who would be emerging from this over 9 metre long vehicle. Show time and Tracy, her parents and the bridesmaids made their way to the wedding lawn where Chris was waiting.

A wonderful ceremony for al the guests to witness, a special candle ceremony was a highlight. After lots of hugs and congratulations, the bridal party enjoyed the surrounds of the botanic gardens including a beautiful waterfall before heading off to Roma Street Parklands to have some photos taken. How long has it been since you saw a waterfall running?

Chris and Tracy love Roma Street Parklands for their photos as there is a wide variety of landscapes for photos. We walked through the gardens before a final stop in the 300C at the Goodwill Bridge on our way to Boulevard Gardens at Indooroopilly.

Guests enjoyed a wonderful evening at Boulevard Gardens before fare welling Chris and Tracy on their honeymoon.

As I write, Chris and Tracy are on their honeymoon, all of us at Reyment Photographics look forward to catching up with them on their return and showing them their wedding photos. We wish them all the best for their future together.