Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chris & Tracy's Wedding 8th June 2008

What were you doing on Sunday the 8th June 2008? I hope you had as great a day as we did at Reyment Photographics. We had the honor of photographing Chris and Tracy’s wedding at Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens. Guests enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the gardens before joining the bride and groom at boulevard Gardens, Indooroopilly.

The day began with Chris and the boys doing a spot of fishing at a secret location! Any fish were safe from these lads; there were no hooks on the end of the line.

Tracy and her bridesmaids prepared at her parents home, everything was beautifully organised; those who know Tracy would not be surprised as is just how Tracy is. The girls looked fantastic and were excited (and a little nervous) to get to the wedding.

We met Chris and the boys at the Planetarium for some photos with the dome, being a Sunday, the gardens were really busy with other visitors. Chris greeted his guests while awaiting Tracy’s arrival.

And what an arrival it was. A super stretch Chrysler 300C from Platinum Rides was the vehicle of choice. A crowd soon gathered to see who would be emerging from this over 9 metre long vehicle. Show time and Tracy, her parents and the bridesmaids made their way to the wedding lawn where Chris was waiting.

A wonderful ceremony for al the guests to witness, a special candle ceremony was a highlight. After lots of hugs and congratulations, the bridal party enjoyed the surrounds of the botanic gardens including a beautiful waterfall before heading off to Roma Street Parklands to have some photos taken. How long has it been since you saw a waterfall running?

Chris and Tracy love Roma Street Parklands for their photos as there is a wide variety of landscapes for photos. We walked through the gardens before a final stop in the 300C at the Goodwill Bridge on our way to Boulevard Gardens at Indooroopilly.

Guests enjoyed a wonderful evening at Boulevard Gardens before fare welling Chris and Tracy on their honeymoon.

As I write, Chris and Tracy are on their honeymoon, all of us at Reyment Photographics look forward to catching up with them on their return and showing them their wedding photos. We wish them all the best for their future together.